EVE-online POS Shield – FC is frustrated
I found it funny how terrible-terrible leader he is . Don’t take it too seriously, bad thing if someone can’t laugh on himself. The fact is, it was a failed op
And yes, the music is loud sometimes, sorry about that.
Needs more ARMOR HACS!!!!
why ppl aint getting inside the POS shields? ffs..
ROFL > “This is clustrfuck already! I knew you were too stupid to execute this!”. I bet if the agressors had a spy streaming back what is been said in the CVA ts to the agressor ts, the agressors probably were laughing thier asses off. God so funny XD
ROFL………get to the chopper!!!!!
Oh god Shadoo rapes face when he FC’s lol.
Agreed. I actually thought he was pretty patient.
What alliance were these retards who can’t even get into a POS?
Ah yes, CVA fleets.
I will never forget that line lol.
HAHAHA so fun! make him say: i will be back xD
tbh dyntheos is a decent fleet leader but most guys of the provi bloc are just plain stupid….like bringing drakes to an pulsepoc fleet (…)
i feel sorry for everyone who has to fc such a bunch of morons
hahahaha… he sounds like Arnold .. i feel so bad for him.
Aralis, Aralis, offline the pos…
Sometimes a FC has no choice but to gank his own guys.
lolz… type in the password so you can enter the pos shield.
Back to hisec are ya?
This is hilarious
This is why I quit the alliance.
Well, hes one of the few FCs in that area that has actually accomplished anything worth mentioning.
Too bad for him he works with scrubby pilots and instead of joining PL where he belongs he sticks with this group out of a misplaced sense of loyality.
Its players like you that doesnt understand the big picture that makes fleets fail hard. If you think this is harsh callout, you should hear how shadoo or others deals with shitty players.
Actually he is one of the best FC ever to fly with ! The poor bastard that post the video actually is a fucking spai and he’s so sad
mwd into the pos shield, now mwd to the hostile fleet, no get in the fucking pos shields u morons!?! make ur mind up lol
lol, how is this the fault of the FC? The fleet are morons who can’t get inside the POS…
if you set them as blue and then make the pos alow friendlys…no need for password lol. but yea ppl need to type in passoword if fc tells you to, it was only fail fc bc they wouldnt listen, if they listen he could continue on and who knows mite have won?
0:57 did they change the PoS password?
We must get out of here before ze germans get here