NCR RealPos – GBS Buys, Sells, and Repairs NCR RealPos GBS buys, sells, and repairs NCR RealPos terminals, systems, and any NCR point of sale (POS) equipment. Our company was originally founded by and still owned by a former NCR Sales Rep. If you have a need for NCR RealPos POS (Point of Sale) Systems, Parts or Kits, either legacy or current, we can help. We have working relationships with NCR Reps, VARs and other resellers like us. We carry a large inventory of NCR branded and NCR compatible parts and kits, and even if we don’t have it in stock, we can find it for you, even the older discontinued NCR hardware. Do you have excess new NCR equipment that you have or are about to take out of service? Please send us a list with part numbers to, we would love to take a look at and offer you a bid.
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