Archive for the ‘POS Equipment’ Category

Paper Shredder Reviews: Romeo and Juliet

In today’s episode I’ll cover Romeo and Juliet, a misinterpreted timeless love story about stupid teenagers, swordplay and a drug-addled monologues. Figured that since today is Valentine’s Day I’d cover something romance related. Must make me look like a bit of a bitter, cynical recluse, huh? Ah well. This one’s much shorter then the Twilight [...]


ECI POS System

Electronic Commerce International is excited to introduce our new, easy to use and low cost point of sale system. Set up in minutes and start accepting credit cards for your business today. This equipment will run your entire business. Video Rating: 5 / 5


Pizzeria POS – NCR RealPos Pizzeria POS – NCR RealPos – Guarantee Business Systems (GBS) has helped our clients keep pace with continually changing IT requirements at affordable prices for over 20 years. We provide new and legacy technology solutions to the IT market from a variety of manufacturers. We leverage our buying experience and sales capabilities to bring [...]


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