Gold And Silver – When To Sell? Insiders Report – Mike Maloney This video was released to Insiders over 1 month before YouTube release…get your own Insiders customer account so that you get Mike’s information as soon as it is available. We will be releasing some of our Insider videos to YouTube, but with a time delay of three- four weeks. This is one of the benefits of being a customer at How to become an Insider All you have to do is be a customer. Easy. If you are already a customer of, you are automatically an Insider! Log into your account and go to the ‘Insiders’ section. Make sure that you update your account details to include your current email address so that you do not miss any notifications of new Insiders material. Price means nothing, value is everything. Subscribe to our channels for more great free information and analysis. Thanks for watching.

24 Responses to “Gold And Silver – When To Sell? Insiders Report – Mike Maloney”

  1. Gendo3s2k says:

    Just saw “Money as Debt”
    good stuff!

  2. assinomen says:

    thanks i,ll have a in uk but the same applys to the pound i suppose..remmember reading about fractional reserve banking in national geographic years ago .bit of an eye opener.yeah i`ll defo have a look!

  3. assinomen says:

    so do you sell when gold is overvalued and currency undervalued?

  4. alienware4ever says:

    I loved your book on gold & silver investing Thanks !

  5. phoenixrising2430 says:

    Wait years later as he gets older, and his hair color will match the other coin…

  6. VerumAdNauseam says:

    Money is not a “store of value”, it represents a store of something of value. The store is called a bank and the commodity is the banks reserve. Private currencies used to be printed based on gold and silver reserves but, banks can use any commodity for it’s reserves. A national currency, like the US dollar, should be backed by 100% of all existing commodities. Fractional reserve banking is pure fraud and should be ended.

  7. a10fjet says:

    its a store of value, thats the definition of money, genius. its hard to store you life savings in tons of wheat and barrels of oil, when there is no ‘liquid’ (paper) market left. the dollar has no real value to anyone but the printers of it.

  8. a10fjet says:

    its a store of value, thats the definition of money, genius. its hard to store you life savings in tons of wheat and metric tons of sugar

  9. VerumAdNauseam says:

    If gold and silver are so valuable, why would anybody be selling it? In fact, gold and silver has no real value to anyone but electronics and aerospace manufacturers. If the economy collapses, I won’t be trading my food and water for gold and silver.

  10. martymar66 says:

    Good updated primer.

  11. humbertik0 says:

    thank your very much

  12. SamFreedom says:

    Wow, you seem pretty damn sure that “this” is going to happen but you don’t actually say that “this” is a currency collapse. I’ll look into you more but I need good info, like if fiat collapses how are we going to pay for real estate? How will society transition to a gold standard such as places that actually take and measure gold?

  13. erushbass says:

    He probably eats them for breakfast.

  14. HansGruber1962 says:

    You sell when all of your friends start telling you how much they have bought lately. Found a great site for comparing the largest dealers buy and sell prices… compare silver prices dot com. FYI
    physical must be bought!

  15. MegaRichie10 says:

    Mike if i buy gold & silver from goldsilver and agree keep it in a third party vaults do i still own it.

  16. dormbasedbusiness says:

    dividend stocks

  17. rasetoi says:

    Sell Gold for paper? You got to be stupid to even think about doing it !

  18. Grlihi says:

    What do you buy if you didn’t accumulate enough to buy cashflow real estate ??

  19. TheBlitz1 says:

    if your talking about the price of a stock then its true price means nothing – by itself

    its the P/E, P/B, P/CF, book value, and earnings per share that define the valuation

  20. TheBlitz1 says:

    sell gold and silver when everyone and their dog wants gold and silver

  21. shaunediddy says:

    @abarai Think about it it is in the benefit of the governments of the world to have a global currency. No more currency manipulation! Countries would actually have to have strong gdp’s and no longer would they be able to print money at will (the ones that can) and be able to hide behind fossilized data that give their currency strength. A countries strenght would be on current factual data.Laundering of cash would also slow. And once again it will be alot easier to control every soul on Earth

  22. shaunediddy says:

    That is true I agree. But we are no longer living in that world. In the New world government tells us what do to and forces us to do things using monetary penalty. So once that currency is created trust me they will find a to force us to use this currency and therefore it will become significant. It will be global and because of that you wont have to worry about the green back, gold,silver or oil or any other commodity that has a limit on suppy.

  23. abarai72 says:

    what you are missing is that gold and silver are the currency choose by “the market” and this throughout history, it is not government choosen but people’s choice!

  24. shaunediddy says:

    My friend gold has value because we give it value just like any other currency. Gold has been the universal currency because of man infactuation with it THATS IT. So if tomorrow chicken wings were the next big thing then everyone would be accepting chicken wings for goods and services. So if a global currency is created why would you need gold? The global currency would be accepted every where the same way gold is but its alot cheaper and secure to transport and monitor. CONTROL!!

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